Madwoman Out of the Attic

a feminist trudging forward in a patriarchal world

Saturday, July 07, 2007

For some reason, blogger is not letting me put a title up there. So here it is down here.

Single Moms' Ministry

A woman on an email list I'm on mentioned a local church in her area that has a "Single Moms' Ministry." I was struck by what she described, and I wonder, could something like this be done in our church?

It's a program for single mothers of all ages. Once a month there's a nice dinner, catered by the congregation. Moms eat in one area, kids in another, and then the kids separate by age and go off for games and activities. Women are initially encouraged to bring a friend, whether or not they are the same religion, so at least they know someone. Older single mothers (women in 60's and 70's) are highly welcomed, as a source of wisdom and encouragement.

In addition to the monthly meals, there's a Christmas party with gifts for themselves and the kids. There's also a Car Care Ministry aspect to this, in which members of the congregation with some knowledge in this realm help maintain the moms' transportation (change their oil, etc.).

I think this would be great on a stake wide basis for our church. And I see this being run entirely by the Relief Society presidencies, with men (and women) serving in supporting roles as cooks, waiters, child care providers, and mechanics.


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