Madwoman Out of the Attic

a feminist trudging forward in a patriarchal world

Saturday, November 03, 2007

My Saturday

6:45 AM baby E starts crying and I go get him.
9:00 Baby, Mom, and I go to the farmers' market.
10:00 Mom, baby, and I work on my back yard. I make a new home for my worms (some of which are still alive - yay!), Mom sweeps the patio and baby gets into everything.
1:00 baby goes down for a nap, and Mom and I search ebay for yarn and her favorite cordless curling iron.
3:30 my 4 year old nephew J get dropped off at my house so my bro can go to the USC game.
4:30 Eliza viciously attacks little Sophia. Mom wades into the fray and gets her finger bloodied by awful Eliza. Eliza spends the next half hour in the bathroom.
5:30 We attempt to feed the kids dinner. Neither eat much of the stuffed green peppers we spent an hour cooking.
7:00 Mom takes J back to his house.
8:30 After a second attempt, E finally goes down peacefully. I fruitlessly try to find something decent on TV, so I blog instead.


Blogger molly said...

hmm..thank you for sharing. I like to see this. The ordinary can be extra-ordinary.

11/06/2007 2:20 AM  
Blogger Caroline said...

mck, glad you appreciated it. I hesitated to put this up since it's on the mundane side. But I figured that my blog can be a place of day to day trivialities as well as ideas.

11/06/2007 8:26 PM  

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