Madwoman Out of the Attic

a feminist trudging forward in a patriarchal world

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Adventures in Humanitarianism

This Thursday Mike and I will participate in the Point in Time Homeless Count. In order for O.C. to get $10 mill, they have to conduct this count on this one evening to try to determine how many homeless there are here in this area.

We'll be assigned a few miles to walk and count. I'm a bit nervous as it will be at night and I imagine we'll be in some rougher neighborhoods. And I've never interacted with homeless people before. But this sounds like a very worthwhile project, and I'm pleased (and a bit surprised) that the church had gotten behind this. Now if only I can find a babysitter Thursday evening...

Also, I'm arranging to deliever Valentine's Day gifts to women in a local shelter for women who are escaping domestic violence. Kudos to J.A. for coming up with this idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cool idea!

1/22/2007 12:45 PM  

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