Well, they've been falling apart for a few years now. I'm a Mormon and I intend to stay one for the rest of my life, but my belief in certain religious and or Mormon ideas has crumbled. I'm beginning to give myself permission to choose what to believe and what to act on. And also to accept that the way I find God may very well be different than the way that most other LDS do. And I'm starting to realize that this could be an exciting process.
For example, it's been a while since I've prayed regularly. Those of you that know me well may know why I struggle with it. But I'm getting to the point where I feel brave enough to go back to that practice and do it my own way. This is exciting because I see the possibility of prayer becoming a spiritual practice that is authentically meaningful to me. It can be mine in a way it never has been before.
Likewise, I've gotten into the habit of doing what I want to do on Sunday. Since Mike is at these interminable meetings, I have most of my Sunday free. And spending them cooped up with baby in the house is a nightmare. So instead I go to university center and grab myself a couple of slices of my favorite pizza. I do this because it helps me get through my Sunday right now, but I leave open the possibility that in the future I may keep the sabbath in the more traditional way. And if I do decide to do that, it will be because I've decided it's a good thing, because I've found something meaningful in the practice - not just because that's what I'm told to do.
I feel like this about a lot of things religious right now. Many have broken down and fallen apart, but I'm optimistic that when and if I do decide to embrace them, it will be on my own terms and because I have come to the realization on my own that I want this, that I believe this, and that this works for me.